Republic of Moldova
Europe`s poorest country
In Moldova, a quarter of the population has left the country in search of work. High unemployment and lack of employment opportunities make Moldova the country with the highest labour migration. Children left behind and lonely old people are part of the sad reality. In rural areas the situation is dramatic: no access to clean drinking water and a lack of medical care and infrastructure make daily life a dreary struggle for survival.
Since 2004, CONCORDIA Moldova has been committed to helping disadvantaged children, young people and their families, among others, in a country characterised by high unemployment and the highest proportion of labour migration in Europe. Especially in rural areas, where many people still live far below the poverty line, CONCORDIA Moldova is active in over 60 communities with a comprehensive range of services and offers social support - including soup kitchens, social centres, residential groups and foster families. In 2022 a total of over 7,274 people were supported by CONCORDIA.
Multifunctional centres in Moldova
In Moldova, we currently operate eleven multifunctional centres. Different types of assistance are offered there. On the one hand, the centres provide day care for children, family work and accommodation for elderly people and children. On the other hand, they also provide emergency aid, crisis intervention and mobile services.
With the CONCORDIA multi-functional centres, we want to ensure the social protection of the villagers in order to overcome precarious situations and improve their quality of life. The care is provided by multidisciplinary teams consisting of social workers, psychologists, pedagogues, educators and nurses.
What does that mean in concrete terms?
In the multifunctional centres, we offer residents a wide variety of services. For example, they can come over for a meal. We provide sanitary facilities with hygiene products and washing machines, offer preventive health care, rehabilitation services and high-quality nursing care.
We promote people's well-being through individual and group-based therapy services. We also offer educational programmes, as well as creative and sporting leisure activities. The intergenerational character of our services is also particularly important to us here.
Children at risk receive individual support. Due to the increasing number of cases of child abuse and domestic violence, two multifunctional centres have now been expanded into crisis centres.